Machine learning for safer internet

In this workshop you’ll learn about basics of machine learning, feature engineering and model creation process in general and in the context of computer security. We’ll show some simple practical examples and we’ll talk about how we use machine learning in ESET. Workshop will also include a competition for a best model where you’ll try everything yourself and you’ll have a chance to win a valuable prize.

Kup si vstupenku, počkej na registrační email a přihlaš se na workshop s firmou ESET.

Programovací jazyk a úroveň

Python - Beginner

Mám si něco přinést s sebou?

- Your own laptop (with connection to internet)
- Python with Jupyter installed

Kup teď zdarma - s kódem PRIJDU100

Smart Heads

Bud‘ smart a kup si výhodnou vstupenku, s kterou se můžeš registrovat i na super Workshopy a Two Heads Chat s top leadery. Pozor, na tyto aktivity se už nemůžeš registrovat se vstupenkou Late Heads. Nezmeškej svojí šanci!

250 KČ

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